Friday, July 10, 2009


I'm so in love with someone but there's nothing I can do about it, just pray and hope that one day we going to be together.


  1. "a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, i was praying that you and me might end up together."

    Hang in there! And if anyone calls your heart worthless, kick them in the nads for me.

  2. hang in there, dear. we all experience this feeling every once in a while. things will look up in the end, they always do. :) and if someone EVER calls your heart worthless, send them my way and i'll teach them better than to do that. ;)

  3. Nice blog.
    Check mine out and follow and ill do the same

  4. I like the Avitar :)
    first and foremost are hearts are not glass, although it may feel like it, it is a muscle, and it bounces like a ball.
    You must fill your life with love for YOU !
    Fill your heart with what makes you happy,
    fill your life with friends who stand beside you, behind you, in front of you and who will catch you when you fall....these loves are forever.. when those are full...the 'one' will come.
    Don't see you heart as fragile, love fills us up and makes us feel so alive, see your heart as strong and radiate that strength in the people that you do love. Love loves through us, when we love overselves completely.
    I have loved so many, and many from afar due to fear..but fear no is a many splendid is not 'love' that failed us, or broke our hearts but another human..who is probably just as lost..unsure what to do with these feelings..
    So raise your head and know this...the love you long for..that we all long for is just have to be ready.
    Love is me, I am love, love loves through me and no one can take love away from me.
    Love the Universe and it will love you back...this I promise
